Il pesce è sempre fresco
Posted: Aprile 1st, 2008 | Author: packz | Filed under: Life | Commenti disabilitati su Il pesce è sempre frescoIn questa giornata particolare molta gente anche fra i nerdz più nerdz si è divertito a fare gli scherzi e neanche gli hacker di Git si sono tirati indietro: vi copio una mail arrivata nella ml che seguo (se avete tempo vi consiglio anche a voi di iscrivervi a liste di gente così operosa)
Dear Git list,
after having talked for so long about a company selling and supporting Git, I finally broke down, sat down with the lawyers, and set up the company Git Ltd, based in UK.The purpose is to market, sell and support Git for as many customers as we can get. As a first step, we will sell Git in shrink-wrap boxes starting tomorrow.
Of course, this means that all of Git’s source code will be closed, because we have to sustain our business model _somehow_. Sorry to all of you guys who do not agree with that.
Just to make sure that the Open Source community is okay with this, I contacted Richard Stallman, and this is what he told me: If you really have a company marketing Git, that is cool, and I fully understand that the only option to keep this a viable business is to go closed source. It would also be best to move the headquarters to Pyongyang.
Graced by those words, Sir Howard Stringer has kindly agreed to take the position of the chair of the board, and Courtenay Valenti will be our CEO.As a consequence, there will be slight changes to Git: for one, the database format will change so that we can protect our valuable Intellectual Property, and all the exporters will stop to work.This is a great day for source code management, and I hope you all will enjoy it.
Johannes “Dscho” Schindelin
Chief Fool Officer
Git Ltd